CFT Group delivers first turnkey line in Nicaragua for FrutCo de las Americas

CFT Group delivered its first turnkey line in Nicaragua, a complete banana line for FrutCo de las Americas.

The line is intended for FrutCo to answer specific needs, such as passion fruit juice and banana puree for multiple purposes such as baby food production.

CFT aseptic filler Macropak was offered with a special Oxonia kit, used to fill low-acid products, such as banana puree, said CFT Group. FruCo is close to obtaining US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) validation, which would allow it to sell its puree in the US.

CFT’s dedicated extractor Giubileo, also allows FrutCo to reach an extraction return of up to 30%, combined with a peel depulper which is going to recover up to 5% of juice, said the company. Any seeds in the product flowing into the Giubileo extractor are carefully eliminate, while any black specks are removed in the decanter. The juice obtained in the end can be sterilized and aseptically filled, or alternatively, it can be cooled down to be finally frozen, said the company.

“This new project highlights the strong presence of CFT Group in the Tropical fruit Industry, with highly innovative solutions able to handle even specific Fruits needing a suitable equipment, such as the banana and the passion fruit,” said CFT Group.